The results of the research process determined the great need of including in the study plans for teacher training contents that favor the study of education in values and human rights. This is how four courses were developed with the aim of supplementing the initial training of university students. The courses are:
Human Rights and Notions of Human Dignity: a general introduction of the main concepts of human rights, giving emphasis on reflection and understanding of human dignity.
Democracy and Culture of Peace: a proposal for training in education for peace, through the study of historical, social, political and cultural phenomena that give rise to the concept of democracy; Likewise, it studies the citizen participation and the recognition of human rights as a cohesive element of societies.
Human Rights, Inclusive Education, Equity and Diversity: proposes a reflection on the need to implement human rights education as a means to promote equality among all people, in their opportunities and in human diversity .
Pedagogy in Human Rights and its Application in Eco-citizenship: provides the necessary bases for education in human rights. This proposal is divided into two main parts, the first dedicated to the study of approaches and methodologies for the development of human rights pedagogy, while the second part is dedicated to the implementation of eco-citizenship.
Below you will find the links to the summaries of the courses, for more details contact the coordinators.
Description, Rationale y Goals